MD50 Photomètre

Contrôle précis de l'eau avec un système de mesure éprouvé et compact

  • Optique de haute précision pour assurer la précision et la reproductibilité
  • Option de transmission de données câblée et sans fil
  • Plusieurs variantes de paramètres uniques pour de multiples applications 

La série MD50 offre une gamme complète de photomètres mono-paramètre qui répondent aux besoins les plus variés du traitement de l'eau. Avec son interface utilisateur sans langage, basée sur des icônes et des animations, elle offre une facilité d'utilisation inégalée. La conception robuste du MD50 garantit que l'appareil résistera aux conditions d'utilisation les plus difficiles sur le terrain.



  • Contrôle de la désinfection
  • Contrôle de l’eau de la piscine
  • Eau de chaudière
  • Eau de refroidissement
  • Galvanisation
  • Traitement de l’eau brute
  • Traitement de l’eau potable
  • Traitement des eaux usées
Décompte de paramètres Titre Paramètre et plage Code Ajouter au panier de citations
LEDs, interference filters, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with chlorine reagent tablets.
Chlore HR T 0.1 - 10 mg/L Cl2 a)
Chlore L 0.02 - 4.0 mg/L Cl2 a)
Chlore PP 0.02 - 2 mg/L Cl2 a)
Chlore T 0.01 - 6.0 mg/L Cl2 a)
LEDs, interference filters, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with chlorine liquid reagent.
Chlore HR T 0.1 - 10 mg/L Cl2 a)
Chlore L 0.02 - 4.0 mg/L Cl2 a)
Chlore PP 0.02 - 2 mg/L Cl2 a)
Chlore T 0.01 - 6.0 mg/L Cl2 a)
LEDs, interference filters, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with chlorine powder packs.
Chlore HR T 0.1 - 10 mg/L Cl2 a)
Chlore L 0.02 - 4.0 mg/L Cl2 a)
Chlore PP 0.02 - 2 mg/L Cl2 a)
Chlore T 0.01 - 6.0 mg/L Cl2 a)
LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with tablet reagents for HR chlorine.
Chlore HR (KI) T 5 - 200 mg/L Cl2
Hypochlorite de sodium T 0.2 - 16 % NaOCl
The mobile photometer works with LEDs, interference filter and automatic storage. The measurement is carried out with chlorine dioxide reagent tablets.
Dioxyde de chlore PP 0.04 - 3.8 mg/L ClO2
Dioxyde de chlore T 0.02 - 11 mg/L ClO2
The mobile photometer works with LEDs, interference filter and automatic storage. The measurement is carried out with chlorine dioxide reagent powder pack.
Dioxyde de chlore PP 0.04 - 3.8 mg/L ClO2
Dioxyde de chlore T 0.02 - 11 mg/L ClO2
The mobile photometer works with LEDs, spectrometric sensor and automatic storage. No reagent is required for the Hazen/A.P.H.A. check.
Couleur 24 10 - 500 mg/L Pt 280180
With this low-maintenance instrument you achieve precise results in all areas of water analysis. Tablet reagents can be used for the ozone test.
Ozone PP 0.015 - 1.2 mg/L O3
Ozone T 0.02 - 2 mg/L O3
With this low-maintenance instrument you achieve precise results in all areas of water analysis. Tablet reagents can be used for the ozone test.
Ozone PP 0.015 - 1.2 mg/L O3
Ozone T 0.02 - 2 mg/L O3
LED, spectrometric sensor, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with reagents for urea.
Urée T 0.1 - 2.5 mg/L Urea
Urée T 0.2 - 5 mg/L Ureai)
The mobile photometer works with LED, spectrometric sensor, automatic storage. No reagent is necessary for the measurement.
Solides en suspension 24 10 - 750 mg/L TSS 280170
The mobile photometer works with LED, spectrometric sensor, automatic storage. The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with Molybdenum tablet reagents.
Molybdate HR PP 0.3 - 40 mg/L Mo
Molybdate LR PP 0.03 - 3 mg/L Mo
Molybdate T 1 - 50 mg/L MoO4
The mobile photometer works with LED, spectrometric sensor, automatic storage. The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with Molybdenum powder and liquid reagents.
Molybdate HR PP 0.3 - 40 mg/L Mo
Molybdate LR PP 0.03 - 3 mg/L Mo
Molybdate T 1 - 50 mg/L MoO4
The mobile photometer works with LED, spectrometric sensor, automatic storage. The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with Molybdenum powder reagents.
Molybdate HR PP 0.3 - 40 mg/L Mo
Molybdate LR PP 0.03 - 3 mg/L Mo
Molybdate T 1 - 50 mg/L MoO4
The mobile photometer works with LED, spectrometric sensor, automatic storage. The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with Copper tablet reagents.
Cuivre PP 0.05 - 5 mg/L Cu
Cuivre T 0.05 - 5 mg/L Cua)
The mobile photometer works with LED, spectrometric sensor, automatic storage. The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with Copper powder reagents.
Cuivre PP 0.05 - 5 mg/L Cu
Cuivre T 0.05 - 5 mg/L Cua)
The mobile photometer works with LED, spectrometric sensor, automatic storage. The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with Phosphate tablet reagents.
Phosphate LR T 0.02 - 1.3 mg/L P
Phosphate PP 0.02 - 0.8 mg/L P
The mobile photometer works with LED, spectrometric sensor, automatic storage. The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with Phosphate powder reagents
Phosphate LR T 0.02 - 1.3 mg/L P
Phosphate PP 0.02 - 0.8 mg/L P
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The new MD50 Single Parameter-Photometer Leaflets PDF (1.83 MB)
Data Acquisition Software Utilité ZIP (124.72 MB)