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DPD Rapid Evo: Health safe

With Lovibond® you are always on the safe side at the private pool – long ago! Everyone can use our DPD No.3 Rapid Evo and DPD No.4 Rapid Evo tablets with our rapid tests and test kits without hesitation. Handling the reagents for checking water hygiene is harmless. The reason: the substance potassium iodide, which is now classified as hazardous to health, is only used in small, harmless quantities - even before the official classification.

Lovibond® is one of the pioneers of the DPD method and reagent development. Your health and safety have always been at the forefront. Our in-house research and development has therefore long since ensured, much earlier than other suppliers, that the formulations of DPD Rapid Evo tablets contain only the smallest amounts of potassium iodide. The chemical, which is needed for chemical reactions in the analysis of pool water, has recently been labelled by the manufacturers as a "hazard for organ damage (thyroid)" and reclassified by the European Chemicals Agency ECHA. All chemicals containing more than 1 % potassium iodide must be labelled accordingly. At more than 10 %, they are also subject to sales restrictions especially when supplied to private users.

Our DPD Rapid Evo tablets contain less than 1 % potassium iodide and are therefore harmless to health. They can still be sold, purchased and without limitations.

Potassium iodide is an integral part of DPD tablets. According to the applicable standards for water analysis in public swimming pools, a certain content of potassium iodide is even prescribed for the application of certain test methods. On the other hand there are no fixed regulations for private pools, but recommendations. Accordingly, the dosages and formulations and also the application of the methods may differ. It is important that safe and reliable results are guaranteed.

All Lovibond® reagents are subject to regular quality controls. Efficacy and measurement results are constantly monitored. The formula of the Rapid tablets is specially developed for the uncomplicated and quick application of test equipment in private pools & spas. Test kits such as the Pool Tester, Rapid Tests or the Checkit Comparator can be used by anyone at their own pool without much expertise. With these, the responsible pool owner can quickly get an overview of the chlorine content, oxygen and other important hygiene parameters of the pool water. They are indispensable for using water hygiene agents such as chlorine in the correct dosage.

By the way: The production DPD Rapid reagents with Evo formula started with the batch code XA3A.

We also offer special stickers for distributors for stock labelling.

Click here for the product flyer: Evo-Products.