Nitrite VHR L

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<span style="font-family:"Times New Roman",serif">Nitrite is one of the three major corrosion inhibitors used in cooling systems. It is added to closed loop cooling systems as an oxygen scavenger.  Routine monitoring of Nitrite levels is important, because if it falls below recommended concentrations, pipework corrosion could begin throughout the system.

<span style="font-family:"Times New Roman",serif">This easy-to-use colorimetric method test can monitor high levels (up to 2,500 mg/l) of nitrite without the need to dilute samples. 

<span style="font-family:"Arial",sans-serif">The reagent is available individually or as a part of a set with a Pipette & Pipette Tips.


Title Packaging Unit Part Number Add to quotation cart
Colorimetric test for measuring high levels of Nitrite in closed-loop cooling systems
500 mL 471170
500 mL 471160
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