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As a rule, liquid reagents do not consist of a single preparation but comprise several components that need to be added to the sample in a certain order.

As both the size and the number of drops have a decisive effect on the resultant colour complex, the reagents need to be added with a high degree of precision.

The shelf life of liquid reagents is reduced by temporary contact with oxygen in the air when the bottle is opened as well as by unsuitable storage environments (presence of sunlight or high temperatures).


Title SDS Country Direct Download
KS6616 - 5N Sodium Hydroxide Solution
KS420 - 0_075M Sodium Lauryl Sulphate
N 50 Sodium Hydroxide 0 02N
Hydrol_Total Phosphate Acid Reagent
Vario Sodium hydroxide 1N
Vario Sodium hydroxide 1_54N