DPD No.3 Nessler Tablet Reagents, 100 pack

Testing total chlorine with the Nessleriser system

  • Green Chemistry without boric acid
  • Highest accuracy of test results
  • Easy handling & application
  • Exact dosing & enormous shelf life
DPD No.3 is used in the DPD method for the determination of chlorine and for the correct dosing of the water care product. DPD No.3 is used to determine the content of total chlorine. The tablet is added to the water sample after the free chlorine has already been determined with DPD No. 1. It is crushed with the stirring rod and mixed by swirling. Now the value can be measured. If the value of free chlorine is subtracted from this value, the content of combined chlorine is present. DPD No. 3 Nessler tablets are mainly used for colorimetric measurement, especially with the Nessleriser system in comparators.


Part Number 511250BT

100 pc.

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Product information

Parameter and Range Method No. Instrument Type
Chlorine T 0.01 - 0.1 mg/L Cl2 M3034
Chlorine T 0.1 - 1.0 mg/L Cl2 M3037
Chlorine T 0.02 - 0.2 mg/L Cl2 M3035
Chlorine T 0.05 - 0.5 mg/L Cl2 M3036
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Instruction Manual (Method No.: M3115, M3116, M3117, M3118, M3119, M3120, M3121, M3122, M3123) Instruction Manual PDF (0.03 MB)
Instruction Manual (Method No.: M3014, M3015, M3016, M3018, M3020, M3021, M3022, M3023, M3024, M3025, M3026, M3031, M3034, M3035, M3036, M3037, M3114) Instruction Manual PDF (0.05 MB)
Instruction Manual (Method No.: M3019) Instruction Manual PDF (0.03 MB)
Validation Data DPD No.1 Free Chlorine Validation Data PDF (0.12 MB)