Nitrate LR2 TT

Nitrates in ground water can be carried over into potable water. Excessive amounts can be a health hazard to bottle-fed infants. River and groundwater supplies often contain excessive amounts of Nitrate. These result mainly from agricultural run-off from over dosage of chemical fertilizers.


  • Drinking Water Treatment
  • Raw Water Treatment
  • Waste Water Treatment
Title Parameter and Range Part Number Add to quotation cart
XD7000 VIS Water Quality Spectrophotometer Nitrate LR2 TT 0.2 - 15 mg/L N 71307000
XD7500 UV-Vis Water Quality Spectrophotometer 166 Parameters 71307500
Title Method No. Parameter and Range Packaging Unit Part Number Add to quotation cart
Nitrate-DMP LR2 / 25 M266 Nitrate LR2 TT 0.2 - 15 mg/L N 25 pc. 2423330
Title Online Download Type Format Language Direct Download
Instruction Manual Single Method M266 - Nitrate LR2 TT Instruction Manual PDF (1.59 MB)
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Nitrate, Total Nitrogen, Nitrate DMP LR/HR, Nitrate DMP LR2, Total Nitrogen DMP LR/HR,