Plan the 2024 pool season: Smart & intuitive with the new Scuba3s

Acqua 08.11.2023
Plan the 2024 pool season: Smart & intuitive with the new Scuba3s

The time has come: hygiene control at the private pool is getting completely smart. With the new smart pool tester Scuba3s from Lovibond®, it's also easier than ever. Anyone who wants to have all the important parameters and measurement methods for the pool under control even faster and more conveniently on the move in the new pool season can equip themselves from 2024. The new Scuba3s will then be available.

The Scuba can be found at most private pools and is an international Lovibond® bestseller that has long been in demand. With the Scuba3s, the smart generation is coming onto the market - including many technical innovations. The most important of these is wireless data transfer via NFC chip. Simply hold your smartphone or tablet up to the Scuba3s just like when shopping with a debit card and all results and up to 100 data records are transferred.

Whether directly at the pool or comfortably on the couch: in the new PoolAssistant app, the measured values can be called up and categorised anywhere and at any time. But the app can do even more: up to three users can set up a maximum of 5 individual pools and regularly check each of the 11 tests using various tools. The results can also be analysed as diagrams. Pool management tools such as correct pool maintenance and water quality are also offered. Users can clarify all important questions in the FAQ section. 

Anyone who checks their pool water has instant certainty at the edge of the pool. The Scuba3s immediately provides light signals via the coloured background lighting, which help to classify the measurement result. If the light glows green, the result is within the globally accepted measuring range for safe swimming. If it lights up red, it is outside this range. The signal colours also indicate the results in the app.

The Scuba3s offers 11 tests: chlorine (total, free, bound), bromine, pH value, total alkalinity, calcium hardness, cyanuric acid, active oxygen, copper and phosphate. The measuring process itself is now even faster. The new device is also quicker and easier to operate than its predecessor: 4 multifunction buttons, intuitive animations and icons guide even inexperienced users step by step through the measurement. 

All the information about the new Scuba3s can be found here.