Kalibratieoplossing 1413 μS/cm, 500 ml, herleidbaar tot N.I.S.T

Voor wateranalyse in laboratoria of mobiel

  • Traceable to NIST standard reference materials
  • Practical two-neck dosing bottle
  • Certificate of analysis: www.chargenzeugnis.de
Lovibond's standard solutions are ideal for calibrating and testing conductivity cells for all types of instruments, whether using automatic reference standard detection or manually adjustable conductivities. Only standard reference materials traceable to NIST are used for production. The practical two-neck dosing bottle can be used either as a calibration vessel or as a measuring cup. This ensures that the solution remains fresh and free from contamination even after multiple use.


Bestelnr. 722250

500 mL



Description Test- en kalibratieoplossing
Geleidbaarheid bij 25 ° C 1413 µS/cm ± 0,5 %
Hoeveelheid 500 ml
Kleur van de oplossing kleurloos
Traceerbaar naar NIST Ja
gecertificeerde Ja
Bewaaromstandigheden 5 - 25 °C
Type fles Doseringsfles met dubbele hals
Binnenste diameter 21 mm
Omschrijving SDS Country Directe download
1413uS Standard Conductivity Solution
Conductivity Calibration Solution 1413 uS