Индикаторная полоска

Для быстрого определения путем химической реакции

  • Безопасность
  • Скорость
  • Постоянная доступность
  • Полуколичественный анализ

Индикаторные полоски быстро и чисто обеспечивают результат без усилий на применение реагентов или таблеток. Благодаря легкости применения, ведь полоски нужно всего лишь окунуть и сравнить, они являются излюбленным вариантом в тех областях, где особое значение придается скорости и простоте.


Области применения

  • Контроль дезинфицирующих средств
  • Котельная вода
  • Ликвидация последствий стихийных бедствий
  • Охлаждающая вода
  • Продукты и напитки
  • Текстиль
Заголовок Параметры и диапазон Упаковочная единица Номер заказа Котировочная таблица
Test strips offer quick, clean results without the fuss of reagents or tablets. Their dip and compare method give speed and simplicity. Find out more today.
Chlorine Dioxide LR 0.5 - 100 mg/L ClO2 1 Шт. 56S000550
Test strips offer quick, clean results without the fuss of reagents or tablets. Their dip and compare method give speed and simplicity. Find out more today.
Chlorine Dioxide 0.1 - 1.6 mg/L ClO2 1 Шт. 56S000450
Test strips offer quick, clean results without the fuss of reagents or tablets. Their dip and compare method give speed and simplicity. Find out more today.
Xлор HR 10 - 200 mg/L Cl2 1 Шт. 56S000190
Test strips offer quick, clean results without the fuss of reagents or tablets. Their dip and compare method give speed and simplicity. Find out more today.
Copper-Test Strips 0.05 - 2 mg/L Cu 1 Шт. 56S000625
Test strips offer quick, clean results without the fuss of reagents or tablets. Their dip and compare method give speed and simplicity. Find out more today.
Hardness Total-Test Strips 40 - 1000 mg/L CaCO3 1 Шт. 56S000950
Test strips offer quick, clean results without the fuss of reagents or tablets. Their dip and compare method give speed and simplicity. Find out more today.
Hydrogen Peroxide test strips 0.5 - 100 mg/L H2O2 1 Шт. 56S000850
Test strips offer quick, clean results without the fuss of reagents or tablets. Their dip and compare method give speed and simplicity. Find out more today.
Iron 0.1 - 5.0 mg/L Fe 1 Шт. 56S000725
Test strips offer quick, clean results without the fuss of reagents or tablets. Their dip and compare method give speed and simplicity. Find out more today.
pH 0 - 14 pH 1 Шт. 56S001290
Test strips offer quick, clean results without the fuss of reagents or tablets. Their dip and compare method give speed and simplicity. Find out more today.
pH 4.5 - 10 pH 1 Шт. 56S001090
Test strips offer quick, clean results without the fuss of reagents or tablets. Their dip and compare method give speed and simplicity. Find out more today.
pH 7 - 14 pH 1 Шт. 56S001190
Test strips offer quick, clean results without the fuss of reagents or tablets. Their dip and compare method give speed and simplicity. Find out more today.
1 Шт. 56S002090